Ecopoetics, Intermediality, and the Language of C. Bergvall
By Martin Schauss. in Alluvium: Literature Culture and the Environment. Special Issue Wold Literature and the alter/native, vol. 9, No. 5 (2021)
Caroline Bergvall’s Poetics of Disorientation
“Poetry is an action, an activity and pursuit, moving through space and time with intention.” Essay by Rebecca Teich. The Poetry Project, #260 Spring 2020.
Cat in the Throat: CB’s Plurilingual Bodies
Natalie Camerlynck. Transnational Literature Vol. 8 no. 1, November 2015. Now available as PDF here.
Women who invite Collaboration: CB, Erin Moure , et al
Essay, Susan Rudy, in Canadian Women Writers: Connecting Texts and Generations. Eds. Marie Carrière & Pat Demers. Alberta UP. Here as PDF.
Aine McMurtry: Sea Journeys to Fortress Europe
Sea Journeys to Fortress Europe: Lyric Deterritorializations in Texts by Caroline Bergvall and José F.A. Oliver
Traduire Collectif: on l’Anglais Mêlé, et al
Propositions Théoriques autour d’Experiences de Traduire Collectif. Great philosophical essay on practices of collective translation. PDF.

Infra-materiality and Opaque Drifting
Illustrated essay of mine exploring issues of witnessing in Drift. Feat. in beautifully produced and eclectic anthology by group of editors.