The week’s theme is “Wild Water”. I play pieces from Nattsong and describe my current process with this work. Also on the prog: poets Ruth padel w composer Vik Sharma, & William Burns.
Terms of Exchange
In and around Alisoun Sings with poet and translator Greg Nissan. BOMB Magazine
Alisoun Sings, livestream
The book is out today! readings + conversation with wonderful contemporary medievalists Clare Lees and Josh Davies, Kings College London.
The Black Pages, the White Script, the Maps, the Constellations
Interviewed by Andy Fitch, BLARB, Los Angeles Review of Books
A polyphonic Dawn Chorus
W/ Nancy Groves. Guardian Interview. Ragadawn 2016, Brexit.
An Interview with Caroline Bergvall
with literary scholar Linda Kinnahan, Contemporary Women’s Writing, 5: 3. Extensive interview and introduction.
Traverser les Langues
Cecile Dalla Torre. In French. In Swiss daily Le Courrier de Genève.
In Conversation
w/ Susan Rudy. Writing/Installing. Jacket2 (no.1)
Propelled to the Edges of a Language’s Freedom, and to the Depths of Its Collective Traumas
Eva Heisler, Asymptote Journal
A conversation with Caroline Bergvall
With literary feminist scholar Susan Rudy, Jacket 2. Around writing and interdisciplinarity.