The week’s theme is “Wild Water”. I play pieces from Nattsong and describe my current process with this work. Also on the prog: poets Ruth padel w composer Vik Sharma, & William Burns.

The week’s theme is “Wild Water”. I play pieces from Nattsong and describe my current process with this work. Also on the prog: poets Ruth padel w composer Vik Sharma, & William Burns.
In and around Alisoun Sings with poet and translator Greg Nissan. BOMB Magazine
The book is out today! readings + conversation with wonderful contemporary medievalists Clare Lees and Josh Davies, Kings College London.
Interviewed by Andy Fitch, BLARB, Los Angeles Review of Books
W/ Nancy Groves. Guardian Interview. Ragadawn 2016, Brexit.
with literary scholar Linda Kinnahan, Contemporary Women’s Writing, 5: 3. Extensive interview and introduction.
Cecile Dalla Torre. In French. In Swiss daily Le Courrier de Genève.
w/ Susan Rudy. Writing/Installing. Jacket2 (no.1)
Eva Heisler, Asymptote Journal
With literary feminist scholar Susan Rudy, Jacket 2. Around writing and interdisciplinarity.