Performative talk & reading. As part of “Womxn in the Arts and Leadership”. Hosted by Institute Art Gender Nature Basel. Large group of artists and thinkers. My contribution: 16 March, 4.30pm EST. Free online access.
Kaie Kellough and Caroline Bergvall
Presentation of Video voice soundwork. With poets Kaie Kellough and curated by Oana Avasilichioaei. Concordia & 4th Space. Montreal. Free/Register.

Nattsong: C. Bergvall in Conversation w/ Sukhdev Sandhu & Áine O’Brien
Join me for a very special conversation with writer SUKHDEV SANDHU and curator ÁINE O’BRIEN to share some of the themese of my latest performance Nattsong and celebrate the culmination of my Sonic Atlas cycle of works. Q&A with the audience. Info + booking on the link. £5/or Pay what you can
In Conversation with Erín Moure
Erin and I will be reflecting on our writing practices. Preceded by short readings. Info and registration here. Free.
Hosted and curated by Sandy Pool, U of Winnipeg. The Jake MacDonald International Writers Panel.

Inventions in Translation
Free event. Khairani Barokka, Caroline Bergvall, Sasha Dugdale, and James Womack, in conversation with Kathryn Maris, discuss inventions in translation. EB ticket here:

Night & Refuge 2
Still availble to view in full: Writing live across languages with these great poets/performers:
Edwin Torres, Jessie Kleeman, Mandla Rae, Erin Moure, Gunnar Waerness.
3 hours.

Night & Refuge: Live Collaborative Writing
5 voices, 3 hours, 1 poem. Writing online & through the night with poets Vahni Capildeo, Leo Boix, Will Harris and Nisha Ramayaa. Hosted by Versopolis, Counterpoints Arts, Cement Fields.

Alisoun Sings – Part 2: Singing, Chaucer, Transhistoric English
Part 2 Digital Residency @Poets House. On the ballad, Chaucer, reclaimed English. 30 mins Talk w/ Illustrations, and Conversation with the wonderful Paolo Javier. Youtube.

Alisouns Sings – Part 1 – “Pilgrimming”
Part 1 Digital Residency Poets House, NY. Ships and Song. 9 mins.