
Tickets and links to forthcoming shows


Say Parsley


Recent links and thoughts

“RIDE” @ the British Library, 6 July-26 Nov

I have a special affection for this audiopiece around love, erotics and love as practice. Speaking it while writing it as a recording. Now programmed as part of “Breathe In, Breathe Out”, a new programme of displays within their Treasures Gallery dedicated to exploring new ways of experiencing words. Beat the Summer heat and sit back and enjoy the sounds in this cool and peaceful room.

From A to B

Opening track of SONOSCURA project. Film sequence towards final Sonic Atlas performance, Autumn’21.

Night & Refuge 2

Still availble to view in full: Writing live across languages with these great poets/performers:
Edwin Torres, Jessie Kleeman, Mandla Rae, Erin Moure, Gunnar Waerness.
3 hours.


TEXT IMAGE SOUND – A response to the inner and outer upheavals of the global COVID-19 lockdown. Premiere: Berlin Poesie Festival 9 June 2020. A Sonic Atlas Project.

“Wat if I present as a crowd”

Reading & Conversation around Alisoun Sings. Hosted by Susan Rudy. Queer Poetics Research. Queen Mary University, London. Still viewable here via FB.

Cover Art: Reading Experimental Writing

From Lines. A 16 drawings series for my book DRIFT, 2015. Cover of essays by poets and scholars about poets’ practices. Chapter on my work by Susan Rudy. Ed. Georgina Colby. Edinburgh UP

The Language of Alisoun

From an expansively hosted conversation with Sukhdev Sandhu & Stephen Motika, NYU. Edited transcript: “The Language of Alisoun”, Nightboat Blog.

Release Date

Nightboat Books. Tagged a Must-Read-Poetry on its release in The Millions.

Language Station Event: Ladino & Galician

A really special opportunity to discover and discuss these two rich and ancient languages with contemporary practitioners! Singer Monica Acosta – poet Alba Cid – scholar Julian Weiss- poet/translator Erin Moure (live link). Book here.


Text and voice track for Ingar Zach’s haunting composition. With Kim Myhr (guitar), Bozzini Quartet (str.). CD just out: “Floating Layer Cake”. Sofa, Norway.

Pressing Clouds Passing Crowds

Text cycle written & spoken for guitarist Kim Myhr’s exquisite project. With Bozzini Quartet (str.)& Ingar Zach (perc). Hubro, Norway.


7’07”. In French. W/ Anne Gillot, after making the piece at Espace 2/ RTS studios.